Monday, September 26, 2005

Ahtung: Typhoon warning!!!!

This weekend I got the chance to experience my first typhoon. Basically, typhoon is what we call wind and rain. I think the word means Master of Winds or something close. Or in Greek mythology, Typhon was the last son of Gaia who was the offspring of the Earth and the cavernous void beneath.

We have a typhoon of force 3 (out of a scale that goes up to 10). Winds go up to 60km/hour. Rain is still falling vertically (which is not the case after force 6 or 7). The school authorities warned us and recommended getting some more provisions. But no classes were cancelled, public transport still works and no one really seams to care. I feel unaffected; I still went 3 days in row to have my 3km swim in the outdoor pool. Only the last day did I get the chance of swimming while it was raining. The feeling was incredible, given the incredible shaded view of the islands in the bay right on the other side of the school fence.