Monday, September 26, 2005

Short thought!!!

By staying far away from so many loved ones I came to realize, once again, how important it is to truly care for their ties. This time it is not like the usual 2 month trips in Bulgaria where I leave some friends and family to go see some other good friends and family and know that I will be back. The feeling is excellent and the environment, Bulgaria, is just classically perfect.

Now, Exactly at the other end of the world from my home, and a quarter of a world away from my native country, I feel differently. But still I easily find some sense into what I am doing. I am not alone here. I am the accumulation of what the people before me where. I stand on tall shoulders and that is the only reason I can see so far. Everything I do is impregnated by my friends and family's words and gestures. I have listened to you for a long time and intend to keep on doing so. But it is time to show the world that we are world class citizens now. Our collective spirit can get a person to do what he pleases. Your stories become fantastic tales when they come out of my mouth here. I still grow with you guys, and I promise to give you back what you have to given me up to now. For now let's go to sleep, for some of us, wake up for others and finally having dinner for the ones in Bulgaria.

I love you all, Peace.