Wednesday, October 05, 2005


I have joined 2 clubs in the university. The first is the Red dragon club. We basically gather up every Thursday from 6 to 8 pm and we play Mahjong. This is a very typical Chinese gambling game. The reason why we are not called “Mahjong Club” is because the connotation is bad. They see real players as loud, drunk people who only play for the money. But the club I am in is organized so that we can have fun with a typical local game. I am the only foreigner in it even though Simon, the French dude I happen to live with, dropped by last time.

The second one is a Spanish club. We gather on Friday night to basically practice our skills. There are some people that know nothing of Spanish and there are some natives and fluent speakers. I am in between the low to intermediate category. I hang out with the natives, especially with a very sympathetic MBA student named Julian. I understand practically everything that is said, but answering would need a little more practice.

During the whole night we speak, order food, drink wine and we nicely end the whole evening with an authentic Spanish movie. Last week we saw the “Mar a dentro” or “The sea inside”. Even if I had seen it previously, I still think it is the best movie I have seen this year. Spanish movie are very deep. My passion for them started with the Almodovar brothers, which many of you probably know already!!!