Saturday, October 15, 2005


While going to the physiotherapist this week, I couldn’t but notice the beautiful scenery on the way there. I take the minibus number 11 to get to the Po Lam MTR station. The whole 20 minutes route is in between some small hills that contrast with the incredibly high residential buildings. These buildings remind me very much of the “Panel” blocks we have in Bulgaria. They have been built high, compact and cheap so that they can house many people. The view is so familiar that I am able to feel home for a couple of seconds sometimes.

The final stop is the Metro City Plaza II and III. They are huge commercial centers at the bottom of two huge residential plazas. Hong Kong is full of malls and shops and street sellers of any kind. The small nature of the city makes it profitable to open shops since many customers pass by at all times. The situation is the same in Shenzhen and Guangzhou, the two closest Special economic zones in the mainland. Every week-end or holiday, people eagerly direct their whole families into the shopping centers which is part of the reason why the import/export environment in Hong Kong seems to be a very lucrative model.

This is a view from the entrance of my hall

Anyways, once at the physiotherapist’s clinic, I was informed the session would be all about Chinese medicine. He introduced me to Chinese cupping, which is called ventuza, in Bulgarian and Ventouse in French. The principle is to light up a fire inside a cup so that the air is consumed and immediately stick the cup to the skin so that it sucks the skin inside. The inward pressure exerted is very beneficial since it concentrates the blood pressure where needed and it is a good way to stretch the muscles. But while the doctor was moving the cup on my back I felt like I was dying. He did warn me about 9 times beforehand to tell me it is going to be extremely painful, but I kind of neglected the possibility that it might be so intense. I am stuck with 8 huge round shaped bruises on my back and leg now. Hope it will help me!!!!