Thursday, November 03, 2005

HK museum of history

This week end, I was bored of staying at home and decided to get to the Hong Kong museum of history. It was quite a good decision. I spent a good three hours and a half in there. The museum has been created about 30 years ago but a new building was constructed lately.

The exhibitions were set in a chronological order. First, I went through a detailed explanation of the geological formation of the region. They say if the earth was created one hour ago, Hong Kong has a life that represents the past 5 minutes (or 400 million years) the basic thing to remember is that most of the island is the result of intense volcanic activity that lasted 25 million years.

The whole visit was very interactive. Video clips and computers were installed everywhere to facilitate the understanding of the guests.

We then get to the prehistoric part, which is followed by a presentation of all the Chinese dynasties from the Hans to the Qings.

My favorite part was “Colonial powers and the Opium Wars” It was great since I saw most of the important point in one of my classes and could make links and deepen some interests. The last part was about Hong Kong in the last century. The Japanese invasion during the Second Great War, the problems with natural disasters and so on.

I got kicked out at the end. The museum was supposed to close at 19h00. But I had set the time back on my watch the same day by an hour as is done in the west. I was told nothing of the sort is done here and that the museum has been closed for 5 minutes!!! I was approaching the end anyways so no regrets 

Apart from that entertainment, I went to see an awful movie yesterday call “flightplan”. Not only it looked bad, the desrciption was borring, the very not celebrated Jodie Foster was the main hero, but it proved out to be worst than I expected. But what can you expect of 5 exchange students in front of an ultra modern movie theatre with only ONE English title???

And last but not least. Here goes the only picture at the museum with me. It is graciously provided to you by a security guard which took at least 2 minutes to understand that I was not asking where the bathroom is, but that I would like her to take a pisture of me!! Behind me is a typical 1960's style classroom in HK.